Vision & concepts

Who we are…

Karmic Research Centre

A forum of people who are interested in working on themselves, to make themselves better human beings. Progressive in outlook, not afraid to do work on your Selves, open to new and innovative ideas for self growth – these are the hallmarks of people at the Centre.

As a result, ground breaking work has been done in terms of redefining of concepts and ideas, obsolete conditioning has been broken down and the process of unlearning and relearning for growth,fine tuned to an art. There is still lots to unlearn, still more to learn.

We are delighted to now share all of this with the World. This site is for You, to take a deep look at our lives and work, and to walk with us, if you dare.

Centre for Creative Expressions

Five years after the launch of Karmic Research Centre in 1999, we realized that our energy work had resulted in a change of energies flowing through us. Having tackled a lot of clearances, cleaning up, we were now ready to create. Anew, afresh – with the new energies of the Universe. The Centre for Creative Expressions is for this very purpose.

We believe strongly that all human beings are creative beings. However, some of us have chosen to be creative channels for the Universe. These are the people who are dedicated to and passionate about their creative pursuits. There are a lot of people who maintain that their art or creativity is inspired, and therefore, it is like a meditation to them. We, however, also believe that art is not only about expressing oneself, but is an excellent medium to inter-phase humanity with Divinity. Active creative channels represent to us a two-way communication channel between the Universe and human kind.

This is the foundation of our work, in which we, as creative channels, especially in the fields of theatre, film and television, have experimented with and seen some amazing results.

The ‘Centre for Creative Expressions’ is a powerful expression of our work, the physical expression of our creative concepts, now being made available to all who wish to be a part of an amazing journey with us. All the concepts we speak of, have been tried and tested on us, by ourselves. We therefore validate them with completeconfidence.

The Yuva Ekta Foundation

The work we did on ourselves inspired us to reach out deeper into all realms of society. The Yuva Ekta Foundation is a not-for-profit trust working at the intersection of Youth and Governance, spanning a canvas that integrates young people from different socio-economic and geographic backgrounds. Using the Social Arts we create platforms and opportunities that enable our youth to  become sensitized, pro-active and empowered citizens. The Yuva Ekta Foundation is an independent entity, and works out of its own space in New Delhi. Know more at

Where we are

With the guidance, blessings and vision of Gurudev, Aunty and Urmila, the Karmic Research Centre has been more than two decades in service.

During this time, so many of us have journeyed on to the path of self search and discovery. Love Energy has truly been unconditional in its radiant flow here. Personal and lifelong guidance from Gurudev, the Sunday group meditations with ‘Chacha ji’ (Shri M. K. Chathli), the Atma Gyan workshops,, the books and CDs of meditations, Kabir dohas and innumerable sharing of personal experiences of a deep spiritual nature are just some of the unique gifts. We have been part of tremendous energy work, experienced Universal love energy doorways opening, and many a blessing. Aunty and Urmila dedicated their physical lives to this work, and we continue to marvel at their grit and dedication in the relentless pursuit of Gurudev’s Vision of a New World Order.

With the Centre for Creative Expressions launched in 2005, our work and experiences have been further enriched, with theatre, music, art, craft, cooking, writing and recycling proving to be amazing tools for empowerment. Twelve theatre festivals, a newspaper by the youth addressed to adults called ‘Srishti Stambh’, twenty five inspiring play scripts, six hundred poems, Divine Passion jewellery, Lime Stone Park designer wear, many a kind of workshop – with children, young people and adults – from kaleidoscopically varied environs allover the world, and not to forget intimate performances where performers and audiences have felt equally moved and inspired are all to be in gratitude for.

We could not have done all this work without the high energy portal that Gurudev created at the Karmic Research Centre, placed at S-186, Greater Kailash Part II. A home to so many of us, it was a place of healing, rest, break-downs and growth. Aunty’s unforgettable daal and chana-chaaval meals, Urmila’s loving reprimands, hours and hours of relentless energy work, made this place the very Centre of the Universe for us, and for that we are forever in gratitude. 

In May 2014, a shift occurred which brought us to a rented space in NOIDA Sector 14. Our Sunday group meditations take place in Gurgaon, as also here. It is here that we have developed our understanding of Purna Prana, furthered our search in theatre, music and recycling.

We have visualized a space of our own and received visions in a myriad hues, and know that it shall be, when the time and space is right.

This website

We thank Netprophets Cyberworks Pvt. Ltd. ( for helping us design this website. The beautiful banners you see on each page were specially created for the website by our own creative explorer Mrinalini (

To Donate towards our work

Karmic Research Centre, Centre for Creative Expressions and The Yuva Ekta Foundation are registered societies with 12A and 80G certifications. All cheque donations in INR are tax-exempt under Section 80G.

Gurudev Says…

Gurudev is an ascended master of the Universe. For us, the term ‘Gurudev’ is more to address the Divine Energies of the Universe rather than a specific person.

Guidance from Gurudev comes through the tools he has shared as also through channeled meditations, words and messages received through the years. Some of the messages are shared here.

Growth (31.7.15)

“To be empowered, to be in awareness, to use one`s awareness to break one`s conditioning, to liberate oneself – that is growth; and then, a shift becomes possible – a shift that is palpable all around and in the Universe itself”.

Fast track of growth (14.3.14)

“An opportunity for growth can come in diverse ways… it can present itself in fame and success, or in skirmish; in world events or through a book… when we are on the fast track of growth, the opportunity is in every moment!

For me, the fast track would be, where I meet myself, faster than ever before.”

Welcoming the New World Order (20.9.13)

“Events and times are a cathartic crystalisation of how human beings have existed and operated the last thousands of years.

It is also an invitation to human beings; to take stock, look at themselves and participate in the creation of a new world order, where respect and dignity are truths (not issues or demands), where grace and nobility are not rare qualities but the norm.

Using free will, energise with Love Energy a New World Order. Receive the Vision. Detail it. Partner with the Universe. Empower.”

Empowered journeys (5.7.12)

“Working on oneself means to harness all one`s energies and allow them to flow in harmony… creatively, productively, with full intensity of a pure intent… empowering oneself thus, one allows more and more the flow of Love energy…

All this of course is joyous activity – the empowered seeker is never a victim… but a curious creature enjoying every bit of the journey – the ditches, the pitfalls, the conflicts and the rough rides, as well as the smooth shining pathways…”

Empowerment (5.7.11)

“Divine energies of the Universe are full of grace and bring the joyous flow of Love energy with them. To partner with them is a liberating choice, to open oneself to them and allow creative expression is indeed empowering!”

The Guru is inside you (10.6.11)

“So who or what is the Guru?

The Guru is connected to your own Higher Self, your own Inner Voice…

The Guru is also Universal Consciousness, to which each of us has a right and ability to be connected with…

Each of us has access to the Guru, if we only tune in to our own selves.
Take time out to do so… all you need to do is love your self, accept yourself. A lot of people wonder what that means…

The simplest way to do that is to breathe gently, deeply, slowly, and cherish the fact that you are breathing… express your gratitude to every particle of your energy system, that you are. ‘I am’.

Then in that, that you are, thank the Guru for the guidance and protection you always are in and receive the Guru. Receive with humility and gratitude. Simply, and unconditionally.

And then relax, and breathe.

Try it. The Guru is in you…

Love and Light”

Grace and Gratitude (30.5.2011)

“Grace is something that is so transient and complex and simple and pertinent.

Transient because it reflects from one’s own aspects of learning.
And complex because it is so simple that it cannot be described quite easily, unless you mention words like surrender, oneness, growth – which are complex in themselves! Simple because when there is grace, life is simple!
Pertinent because without grace, how can one have masti? Having said that, how can one be in grace, if one first does not learn to be mast!

Having said that, Grace is solely at the discretion of the Guru, and unlike Love Energy, which flows unconditionally, Grace is not unconditional. It demands integrity (intent and grit), patience, perseverance, joy, depth, expanse, churning, and rigorous vigour!

When I reflect on my journey as a seeker, as a shishya, and now as a bearer of divine grace and energies in me, I realize that all that is, is because there is so much grace.

But it does not come from my seeking it or not seeking it. It comes from the Guru’s discernment, and when I am ready for it.

It is important for me to keep doing my karma. Blundering through my mistakes, and through the storms of the business of life. Therefore, for me the tools are still, free will, love as an energy to transform, sensitivity, my intent and the grit to work with it, responsibility, trust, respect… words words words… working is doing, doing is working, working is growing, growth in meditation, meditation is work…

And instead of trying to analyse the various ‘Grace phenomenon’ – of impossibles becoming possibles, of timing, of learnings and failings, of miseries and pain – I become full of gratitude. Which brings further grace!

Suffice to say for now – gratitude is the key… call it a gentle reminder, or a loving nudge… try it, take it from me – it works!

Love and Light”

Message from Gurudev (1.4.11)

“Divine energies are active and joyously flowing… allow nurturing and healing by receiving Love Energy and healing with gratitude…”

The Key (16.12.10)

“Love Energy is not an esoteric concept. It is a true experience of your own being…

Allow it to express itself through the rhythms of your own life… by being open, able and available to its flow… energise every intent, every thought, every action with the energy of unconditional Love and Universal good.


Practice gratitude – simply”.

Message from Gurudev (5.7.10)

“As you all know, my energy workers and me have been working on Universal Energy flow for some time now. In the course of this work, major shifts have taken place in the way energies flow in the Universe. You have been as much part of this work, as have most particles of Energy in the Universe.

It is time now to take stock and introspect on the work we all have done, the shifts that have taken place, to see how the new energy flux is working.

The Love Energy flow of the Universe is now smooth, the flow of resources has been empowered, and channels have opened themselves to this flow. Transparency, Openness, Sensitivity, Oneness, Trust – are no longer words with high vibration, but natural verbs imprinted in all energy flow.

It is to facilitate the next phase that I write to you now.

Empowerment and growth are matters of real grit and hard work. They are also processes of joy and humility. The relationship of oneself with one’s Self is that of Love and acceptance, and the relationship with one’s Guru that of deep trust and abundance.

In the journey of empowerment, see the Guru as not your distress manager, but as your inner strength; with gratitude and humility, work with focus on yourself in the light of your Guru.

These are times of high-energy shifts, and taking the Centre to be just a place of rest, or a place for counseling sessions is not something I would like to encourage any more. If your intent is empowerment, then work with your Self, using the tools with transparency and openness.

I have decided to rest the public interaction at Karmic Research Centre. The activity desired would be your focus on your self in daily living, using the tools of meditation, free will and Love Energy. Creativity, expression, flow are all aspects of life, which need to be explored by you every moment.

There will no longer be any Sunday group meditations, or Saturday activities, or counseling sessions. The only time the Centre will open to public interaction is on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings for Martial Arts classes with my channel, Aditya Roy.

Explore your own energies now, discover your true potentials, and take flight if you dare, on the highway of Love that is now the Universal Energy flux”.

Message from Gurudev (16.11.08)

“Meditating and working with Love Energy is like a magical sieve… magical because unlike an ordinary sieve, here it doesn`t matter if you pour all of yourself into the sieve or the sieve pours itself into you… in both scenarios, the effect on the soul is one of real cleansing, enrichment and empowerment… so allow more and more Love Energy into yourself!”

Message from Gurudev (18.8.08)

“When you stand on the sea shore, what is precedent, evident and powerful to the mind are the waves, the sand, the vast expanse reaching the far horizons, the wind. it is only those who go deeper, perhaps scuba diving, who notice the immense beauty, life and light the ocean is home to – a quiet magnitude – so much unconditional love, and such gritty existence.

That is what the human experience can be – waves of turbulence, fallow periods – emotions, thoughts, fears, boredom, circumstances. evident to the mind…

Underneath that is a quiet, resilient super consciousness – a guide – a reservoir of Love, peace, joy and growth.

All you have to do is dive into yourself! Let every experience – of pain, struggle or happiness – take you deeper into yourself.

What are you waiting for?!”

Message from Gurudev (12.8.08)

“When I know my Guru is with me to light my path, to show me the way, why should I worry?

Why should I fear in making a choice, when I know he will turn even a foolish mistake of mine into an opportunity of growth for me.

This does not make me arrogant.

Instead it fills me.

I truly, absolutely love my Gurudev and my gratitude flows like a giant river into the Ocean of Love that he is…”

Message from Gurudev on Guru Purnima (18.7.08)

“A true Guru, a Satguru, never keeps you away or ‘protects’ you from pain, suffering or the ‘trials’ or ‘struggles’ of your life. Instead the Guru guides you to recognize your potential during such opportunities for your growth.”

Message from Gurudev (17.1.08)

“Time now to take stock and brace ourselves for the new world order. A most wonderful phase is about to begin for life on earth. A phase of alertness, of responsible and transparent choices, of clear intent and pure vision. We are all part of this process, and it has never been simpler to live an empowered, meaningful and productive life as it is now.

All one has to do is to be expansive, clear and transparent to oneself about every intent, take responsibility for every action and make the choice of operating from Love Energy.

Expanse is key – in your aura, in your physical breathing self, in your perspective, in your entire being. Inclusiveness, respect, trust, truth, joy, creative expression are not alien to the human condition. Now they become the guiding factors for every activity, every action, and every interaction.

Enjoy your new energies!”

Message from Gurudev on the 4th Anniversary of Karmic Research Centre (5.7.03)

“The new energies have been released, as you might know by now. This is causing a lot of changes in you and your environment. We know that.

But these changes are all for your benefit, so that you can perform in the new energies with ease. These changes require a lot of cleaning up within you, so that the new energies of the Universe do not get into the old patterns of energy, behaviour and conditioning.

The process of cleaning up your energy system is what makes you restless sometimes, angry sometimes, tired at other times.

The new energies that you are all in and constantly and continuously have been receiving for some time now, give you more energy, higher vibrations and more alertness.

And this should be your natural state. So please, allow them more and more space in your energy system, by making yourself more and more open to the cleansing process as well”.

Transparency of the Human Being (27.03.03)

Transparency of the Human Being

“First to oneself, and then to others – Transparency is the need of the hour. Transparency does not only mean being truthful and honest. Transparency actually means being clear in your Intent. And then one should have the grit to follow your Intent through.
That is Integrity for me.

Transparency with grit lends itself to responsible responses and choices. And that is what all of us need to do now – going through life, knowing completely what your Intent is in every action of yours, and then remaining true to your Intent.

Let’s all work together towards making transparent and responsible choices now”

Message from Gurudev (25.03.03)

“In this hour of change and transformation, let us all be clear and transparent – to ourselves, to our community and to humanity.

The message of the hour is to reconnect with our own true self, and believe me when I say this to you, that you, and everyone else on the earth system, flows with the same energy and power of Love – a Love that is demanding of the best in you, uncompromising with your masks, totally unconditional in its gentleness, totally ruthless in its power to make you the human being you are meant to be”

Message from Divine Energies to All Human Beings (20.03.03)

“Human Beings have been asking for Divine Intervention in the Earth System for many years now. There have been desperate appeals to the Divine to stop the madness existing on the Earth System for destruction.

The Earth System had been moving in the direction of complete annihilation for centuries. But in response to the collective appeal of Humanity, Divine Energies some years back have begun the intervention asked for. The critical mass that was required for a direct intervention has made it possible for the Divine to directly intervene in the Earth System.

The last few years have been a demonstration of that process itself. The first stage was to introduce Divine energies to Human Beings once more. The second phase was to reestablish the connection that you, as individual Human Beings, had been losing fast. The third stage has been of clearing up you, your system. The whole Universe has been participating in this process for you, through you, with you.

This process has been to, gradually – slowly but surely – expose all that has brought you to this stage. The current situation that humanity is in is a consequence of the individual and collective will of humanity.

We, the Divine, have promised to you a New World Order. But to give you that, we need you to take a good, hard look at the World Order that you have now, so that you can take complete responsibility for the current situation, and see for yourself what it stands for – brutally, transparently, clearly. This exercise of exposing the disrespect that you, as Human Beings have been practicing for yourself and others is being exposed, again and again – for you to be able to know for sure that what is now has been because of your individual and collective free will. Now that we are beginning to give to you the New World Order, you need to be able to create the collective will, for it to be received by you. Be alert and aware, because the energies of the New World Order will not tolerate disrespect of any kind.

Therefore, transparency, love and respect are givens in the New World Order. You, as a collective and critical mass of Human Beings, need to allow the old energies to be removed from the Earth System, to come back with new energies of the New World Order.

This stage of transcension into new energies might seem traumatic to a lot of you. But we assure you all that these are times of great healing work on the Earth System and on Humanity as a whole.

You are all part of the process of this healing. Be completely transparent to yourself and clear out all energies of disrespect, and I assure you, you will know what we mean. Love and Respect are the key energies with which the transcension into the New World Order is taking place.

We ask you to simply but clearly take responsibility for your past, and with respect, heal it by opening it up to the new energies, which will not only make them clear and transparent, but will also heal your choices, and therefore make way for the World Order, which you have so emphatically, so desperately asked for.

I, Gurudev, with all the Divine Energies of the Universe make our Intent clear to you. We now go ahead, because you have asked us to.

Thank you for allowing the Universe this opportunity to partner with you. And now allow the new energies to heal, and infuse you with the New World Order that you need, want and desire. That you have asked for”

Message from Gurudev to all the people connected with me, directly or indirectly (18.03.03)

“Today I want to connect with all of you once more so that I can tell you what you need to do in the time to come. It is not only important but imperative to keep your Divine connection alive. You are all empowered enough to know the Power of Love Energy. Use it not to create reactions, but to respond to people and situations now. Healing is not only a process of feeling good all the time. It is also of cleaning up the system of the muck, the poison that has been festering there. Do that now, with Love as your Guide. The cleaning up process of the Earth system is being done with a lot of Love and Respect by the Divine. You as channels of Divine Energy should be doing the same, for the Universe, for yourself, and for the Earth system itself.
Be alert to Energy changes, to the way energy flows, and be aware that you are channels all the time. Let the Divine Energies flow through you stronger and stronger now, so that Healing is done immediately, and all the time.
You as Channels of Healing Energy will be put to test now, more than ever before. Allow yourself to be as open as you possibly can for Love Energy to flow through you, strongly, continuously, uncompromisingly. Never faltering, never hesitating, never stopping.
After all this clearance is over, Love Energy will manifest itself for Creation of the New World Order, as you all know it to be, a World Order of Love Energy at its strongest, at its most powerful.
Of course, if you feel you don’t want to be part of this process, feel free to block out Love Energy, and you will then be free to respond like a normal human being, which will probably be more like reacting rather than responding. But it is your Free Will, as always, and will be treated with utmost respect. Feel free to open yourself up to being part of this process of Healing your World. All you need to do is to be alert, aware and open”.


Love is not merely an emotion. It can be an energy too, and a very powerful one at that. We at the Karmic Research Centre and Centre for Creative Expressions believe that Love is the only Energy that human beings should be operating from. All other emotions flowing through and with Love energy can only be towards more Love Energy in the Universe. But also, Love energy can truly transform people, places, situations, events, and therefore, the whole Universe. The flow of Love Energy is greatly enhanced through creative expression.

Shall be sharing here a few thoughts, writings from Gurudev and the many light workers we have had the opportunity to work with at the Centre.

Love - Gurudev

The emotion of love should merely be an expression of oneself.

And therefore, the only most important participant in this exercise, is oneself. Which means that the emotion of Love is not dependent on others.

The Emotion of Love is merely an expression, the energy of Love is what you work with for the Universe.

The Emotion of Love, being an expression of oneself, of the joy of being what you are, is therefore spontaneous, natural and an overflow.

The energy of Love, however, is what you generate, from the Universe, for the Universe. Alternatively, you can tap into Universal Love Energy and allow it to work on you, or through you.

So, in a sense, when you allow the energy of Universal Love to work on you, you become complete, and therefore, you want to express yourself to the Universe, with Love and Gratitude. It is not only about you, it is about you and the Universe.

Universal Love Energy is the energy of Love that we receive from the Universe… it is the energy that makes us completely aware of who we really are, takes us back to our essence… and it is the energy we give back to the Universe, with love and gratitude.

The emotion of love is an expression of myself to myself and for myself, and i do not need anyone else for it. If I share my expression of myself with another person, it is wonderful in many ways, but I do not need another, it is about myself.

Love Energy is something that you CAN generate from within yourself as well. With Universal Love Energy, you can only allow it flow through you.

There are two things involved here – one is meeting yourself, accepting yourself and expressing yourself – that is the emotion of love. Then, when you interact with the Universe, through your expression of Love, because you are in joy for being in Love, then you actually do start loving yourself as well. And that is the generation of Love energy for the Universe.

Meeting oneself means, looking at oneself in all one’s glory – all minuses and pluses, together make you and it is glorious. See that, accept that, become transparent to yourself – don’t hide from yourself. Because there is nothing in you that is not divine, that you have not chosen yourself. And what you chose for yourself, you did for a reason, obviously, the pluses and minuses are tools for you.

Life - a gift of Love - Puneeta Roy

Crisp white sheets of paper, waiting to be splashed with vibrant colours, with hues i never dreamt possible!

Catching my breath as I watch the Sun transform the Goan sea into a liquid gold, that spills over in joy, to capture the lit seashore.

Bidding a cheerful goodbye to my children as they leave on a long mountain trek, and slowly finding my way up to my emptied room.

Scouring the markets for that perfect birthday present, finding just the one I would love to have, and then embarrassed-ly telling the recipient that an exchange is possible, because he or she doesn’t seem quite so excited as I thought they would be, or as I would have been! Pity!!

Allowing a loved one to pierce me, because by now I recognise that I am ready to receive the pain – and to receive another aspect of myself.

Laughing my head off as I revisit old memories and loved spaces with dear friends, and watching them recharge themselves as they leave behind their stresses and travails – for the moment.

Gasping at an insight that has evaded me all these days, while I grappled with it, tugged at it, pulled it in different directions… and when in sheer tiredness, i let go, it rushes at me knocking me over with its force and clarity!

Loving… with gentleness, with passion, with abandon… when Love takes me over and nothing else seems to matter, as I receive my loved one, and give – of myself.

And that actually is what Life is for me today – different expressions of love.
Love for myself.
Because as I love others, I am also loving myself.

That is what Life is for me then.
A Gift of Love.

Free Will

You are responsible for each and every choice you have made, in this lifetime and even before you were born! Your Free Will is supreme – Absolute and Irrefutable. Even the Divine will not interfere. In effect – you create your own reality.

The right of the human being is respected by the universe at all levels. Free will is exercised by the soul to decide birth, life, death. It is your free will that decides your past, present and your future. The discerning use of Free will can actually make you what you are supposed to be – divine in nature. The use of your free will is entirely in your control so the idea of empowerment of the soul is actually to make you more aware, more powerful, more responsible and also more useful at all levels.

We shall be sharing writings and thoughts on free will here on this page.

Free Will - Dilip Shankar

We define Free Will as the right of every human being to make a choice.

When we realise that we are the ones who make all the choices in our lives, we also take responsibility for all that is in our lives. And when we use this Free Will discerningly, recognising it as the most powerful tool that we have, we make conscious and aware choices in all situations.

Yes… discerningly… in FULL awareness… aware of the fact that I am responsible for ALL the choices I make. And therefore, I will make aware choices… choices operating out of Love Energy. Or out of far.

You know, why I consider Free WIll as the MOST powerful tool we possess is because it is that tool that I use in every moment, every situation, and therefore I choose always to work towards my growth, to be in love and from love, to be aware…

Free will is the tool that makes it possible for us to do anything, be anyone we want to be, open doorways we dare to, fly…

However, one must respect the free will of others as well. One responds. One need not change one’s choice according to another’s choice. One makes a choice – be it compromise, or collaboration, or dissociation. I make a choice and will be responsible for it.

Even the Universe respects free will of all. If there is a distinction in your free will and others, maybe you need to look at your intent closely. My Intent in exercising my free will should always be my own growth and of course, operating from Love energy for all, including myself. In which case, respect for another’s free will becomes normal and natural. Because I also recognise the right for growth for everyone else. And in respecting the right to growth of the other, and my own, there is no distinction in the free will of either.

By doing so, although we are being selfish, we automatically become selfless also, and the two are not contradictory. Because we give others the same opportunities as ourselves and respect them fully.

You know, we live in a Universe of flux, of so many beings – each with his or her own free will. In this flux, it is so important to know there are always so many variables, so many possibilities. It is important to be alert and aware of your own and other peoples’ free will. And be open to making changes frequently and accordingly. Being aware and exercising your free will freely is the ultimate in being flexible – fluxible!

If one chooses – any choice – out of Love, out of awareness of the consequences of that choice, and is prepared to take the full responsibility of those consequences, then one can be happy with any choice.

Now the flux around may not respond accordingly, but then, if the intent is pure… any consequence is my responsibility and perfectly acceptable to me.

In this whole process of being aware and exercising free will to make conscious choices, the first thing that happens is that you realise that you cannot blame anyone for your choices. Gradually, you start making choices differently… because you know the onus is on you.

That is when you will know that you are also, now starting to make aware choices. Every time that you give in to someone else’s wish, be aware that you have allowed it to happen. You cannot be imposed upon.

So, to conclude, the whole point in exercising your free will is – one, keep your intent your own growth, make aware choices, take full responsibility for them, and bear the consequences, knowing fully well that you chose them in the first place.

In the process you need to be flexible enough to accommodate other people’s free will, and yet remaining in love energy, you will still be conscious of the fact, that even when you are compromising, or not doing anything, you are making a choice and will bear the consequences for that.

Intent - Dilip Shankar

To me, my Intent means that I take responsibility for what I state to the Universe, to do for me. And if the Intent of the statement is not for me, then also I am responsible for the consequences of it.

It is stronger than my Wish or Will.
Actually, Intent is a very strong Tool for me. We need to be clear as to WHY we ask the Universe for anything. Because we can only be sure of THAT! The result is not truly in our hands…

But also what is important in this, is that whatever the consequences might be, once I make an Intent, I take full responsibility of whatever happens as a result of it. To know that what I ask for will be granted to me, maybe differently, but the Onus of it remains mine. So for me actually, an Intent becomes a Conscious Choice.

Why should I be granted what I want differently? Because I might be given more than what I asked for!

Actually, most of the times we do not know what all of the possibilities are, in any scenario. And if our Intent is pure, then the Universe responds so beautifully that it grants us the best possible opportunity for growth and Love to flow through us! It is overwhelming to note that the Universe does respond – every time, without fail! And always, in ways that I might not have thought of. But in hindsight, I know it was for the best!

Pure Intent is when it is made from the operating energy of Love, not Fear. A lot of times we make our Intent out of insecurity and fear, and then we wonder why the Universe did not respond to us, the way we had asked for?

Yes! The operating energy is what is important. As I said, a Conscious Choice, made out of Love, taking full Onus of what happens thereafter.

In which case, the fact of the matter is that when you place the Intent of Love Energy to flow through you, there should not be any fear or doubt about the process of that happening.

Because if your Intent is for Love Energy and nothing more, then there is absolutely No doubt that it IS flowing all the time now. And that is what is meant when we say that the Universe Will respond to a pure Intent o Love Energy, no matter what!

The whole point in making an Intent to the Universe, is actually to remind you that you are connected to the Highest Energies of the Universe. And that, your Conscious Intent can, and does make a difference to the whole Universe, and the Flux that it is made of.

Point of the matter is what you Focus on when you make an Intent to the Universe. If you are Focusing only on the physical level, that is where the Intent stays. If your Focus is mental or spiritual, that is where the manifestation will rise to. And when you Focus on the Divine, that is where the manifestation can transcend to! And in all this, if your Focus is from Love Energy, for Love Energy to manifest itself in various forms, for you, within you, through you, and by you, then that is enough to manifest it thereafter.

And being in Love Energy and then making an Intent for other things like Healing, Growth, Wisdom etc to happen, then the manifestation is that much more potent.

Yes of course it is hard work, if your focus is NOT flowing in Love Energy.
If however, your focus has been only Love Energy, then the rest will happen automatically. You do not worry about yourself then!

But the most important thing I want to leave you with is that if you are truly expanded, and in Love Energy, then ALL your Intents will gradually be healed enough to make your life operative from Love Energy all the time.

In fact, when I am just Being, then I allow the Universe to flow its Love Energy through me, all the time! And that to me, is the best Intent to have!


Empowerment is not a luxury for human beings. It is a must. Only an empowered person can truly be productive, responsible and progressive. Empowerment is not only about power gained within oneself. It also means understanding your own energies, the energy flux that is the Universe, and to fine tune yourself, to always be in harmony with the flux. Not esoteric at all, this is the most sensible, practical and useful way to becoming empowered.

Here we shall be sharing question-answers, thoughts and reflections. Feel free to write in to us with a question or your thoughts.

What does being spiritual mean truly?

Spirituality, unlike religion, is not an organised cult for people to belong to.

Being spiritual is like being human. Do you qualify – I am a human being?

Similarly you are a spirit, so you are spiritual. Why do you need to qualify that?

No, you cannot be non-spiritual, just as you cannot be non-human being.

However, if you want to label yourself as a particular kind of human being, so you can label yourself as a specific kind of spiritual being.

Do you say being a human is a crutch to live? If not, then being a spirit or being spiritual is also not a clutch to live.

It just is.

A question to Gurudev from a seeker on death

Q: Why do beautiful people die young. So many times I`ve seen and witnessed that this man/woman was so good, but he/she died so young. A friend’s father was a real gem, so good to everybody around him but he died early. He just spread love to everyone around him. My friend’s boyfriend was really good to her. He was caring, soft spoken, good looking and a thorough gentleman, he was the so called perfect man and treated her well. Everybody loved him, why did he die? I am feeling so bad for my friend. To find that kind of love and to lose it (in her case twice). It makes me sad and my heart goes out to her. Please tell me why good people die so young? and how can I help my friend? I really don’t know how to comfort a person who has lost a loved one. What does one say? And yes are they happy? Thank you.

A: It is a complicated matter of choice and karmic debts to be paid. We all have eternal souls. And we have past lifetimes as well.. In those lifetimes, we made certain choices which lead to certain results. That becomes our baggage for this lifetime, to be cleared if we so wish to. In certain cases, people, or rather souls choose to clear up their positive baggage … because in their next lifetime they probably want to go in for a major clearance of negative debts, and learn new lessons for growth. Between two such difficult lifetimes, souls usually opt for a simple, joyous, positive and comfortable lifetime. And of course the length of the lifetime is also determined by the soul coming in. Of course there are choices you will make in this lifetime, which may or may not change that length of time to some extent. It is a lot of flux and flexibility that you do get. Do you know why? Because you have absolute free will over all your choices, in this lifetime, or in deciding this lifetime before you took birth. Of course, when you leave from here, you are merely going back home. No? Therefore, the question of not being happy does not arise, does it now?

Curing physical ailments through meditation

Q: I want to meditate to cure my physical ailments.

A. The purpose of inner work and meditation is not to cure physical ailments. If that is what you seek, you can go to a doctor, a healer, a vaid or hakeem, a hospital. We do inner work, meditation to find joy and beauty. Disease or other uncomfortable circumstances are but minor occurrences in your journey. These will pass, and of course, it could be that they pass as a by product of mental peace and stillness discovered through inner work and meditation. However, you cannot make the by product your main intent.

Tap into words we use

The Karmic Research Centre has, through its various tools and methods of research, into life, energy systems and healing practices, redefined several terms and concepts that we use loosely, without understanding them.

We want to look closely at all our conditioning, at all our definitions and at all our understanding, and redefine them all, so that we start afresh, with responsibility, of what we say, do and believe in. Because the terms and concepts we use, release energies that should be loving and in harmony with the Universe. And therefore, it is important to know the way we are using them, and do it with awareness.

Flexibility : The ability to move in harmony with the flux of the Universe.

Flux : The inter play of the energies of each and every living being of the Universe.

Free Will : The most powerful and potent tool that human beings have, to make choices.

Gratitude : The Greater Attitude

Harmony : Being in synchronized movement with energies of the Universe, and therefore of other people as well.

Integrity : The Grit to follow one`s Intent.

Love : Lots Of Violet Energy – with the power to transform, mould, empower. Love is the Energy of the Universe – the most potent force. It transforms, heals, creates. Love is God’s Energy. Fill yourself with love Energy and let all your fears, insecurities, pain and hurt dissolve into it. Empower yourself with the Love Energy to feel one with God and the Universe.

Respect : To act in response to.

Responsibility : Response – ability. The ability to respond to people, energies and situations.

Worry : Wastage Of Ready Resources for You

Karmic Clearance : Over a lifetime, through the numerous interactions, exchanges and relationships that we experience, our Soul accumulates karmic debts, attachments and fears. Many times we carry this baggage with us from past lives. These baggages need to be cleared for the growth of the Soul to take place.

Handing over : Handing over is a concept which is age old. Everyone who has ever prayed earnestly to the divine knows this. But to do so consciously is what being divine grace is all about. If you know the proper method of handing over your entire life and actions to the divine, then you are not only in total harmony with the universe but you also become totally harmonious within. And also you then are in a position to become free of any further accumulation of karmic baggage – the concept of nishkama karma as mentioned in the Geeta. This is what we want you to be able to do not only when you are in a crisis and have no other option but also when you are happy and perfectly in control of your life as in both cases you are finally responsible for your own actions. However, by handing over you give the control to the divine you also make sure that the whole universe works for you. That is true oneness with God.

Co-creation : If you have important meetings which you are worried about or there are situations you are apprehensive about, why don’t you tune into the energies of the universe and give your intent of how you would like it to happen. Then hand over the entire situation to God to create it for you. Then when it happens it is actually your own co-creation in the best possible manner done with Love Energy and God’s grace all working for you.